🔨 Improving existing

If you are already working on something great, be it a product, a service, a venture or somewhere in between, we could try help you make it better.

We can augment your team as and when needed. Consider us as your collaborator in making great things.


open discovery

(if you just want to learn about your product and users)


1— open discovery
(USER interviews)

Got a product, a service or a venture and want to find out more about what the experience is like, what users need, what what’s going well, what’s not going well, etc.?

We could help you:

  • 🔍 Conduct interviews with external users.

  • 🔍 Conduct interviews with internal users and stakeholders.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 📍 Identify areas of focus worth addressing.

2— open discovery (Immersions)

Got a product, a service or a venture and want to find out more about what the experience is like, what users might need, what what’s going well, what’s not going well, etc.?

We could help you:

  • 🤿 Conduct a product immersion— where we ‘immerse’ in your product/service and try to find interesting things about it.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 📍 Identify areas of focus worth addressing.


Want a comprehensive mapping of where your product is falling short? what’s going well etc.? Let our team conduct a product audit and see what we find.

We could help you:

  • 🤿 Conduct a product and UX immersion— where we go through the product with a fine tooth comb and find out what we think.

  • 💬 Conduct interviews with external users and learn about their experience.

  • 💬 Conduct interviews with internal users/experts and learn about their experience.

  • 📈 Have a look at your usage data.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 📍 Identify areas of focus worth addressing.



(if you have some ideas you’d like to explore)



Have some concepts that you’d like to flesh-out? Concepts that could push the envelop on your existing product/service?

We could help you:

  • ✍️ Flesh-out your concept— the form it takes, value propositions it offers, features it will include.

  • 🧑 Map-out your users— clearly articulate who this solution is actually for and what user needs/pains it would be addressing.

  • 💰 Think about the financial side of things— business model, market size, opportunity size.


Want to bring your concept to life and make it tangible?

We could help you:

  • 🔲 Start bringing the concept to life through initial wireframes and screens.

  • 📱 Take the fidelity up a notch and create a series of initial prototypes.

  • 📲 Create an advanced prototype that looks and feels like the real thing— beautiful, clickable and including most of the screens and flows.


Ready to delve into the viability and feasibility behind the concept?

We could help you:

  • ✍️ Design the business model— define which user would be paying, what business model, how much.

  • 🐘 Market sizing— define the size of the market, both bottom up and top down.

  • 💰 Opportunity sizing— combine between the business model and the market size to define the size of the opportunity behind the product.

  • ⌨️ Tech feasibility — work out the tech feasibility of bringing your concept to life.

  • ⚖️ Legal feasibility — work out the legal feasibility of bringing your concept to life.

  • ⚙️ Operational feasibility — work out the operational feasibility of bringing your concept to life.



(if you’d like to test some of these ideas)



Developed a point of view (regarding your users ,concept, prototype, business model, etc.) and want to put it to a test? Let us help you get the ball rolling.

We could help you:

  • ✔️ Break your point of view into assumptions.

  • ☑️ Identify the key assumptions worth testing— most impactful & uncertain.

  • 🗓️ Develop a testing plan for these— how to test these assumptions and with whom (user interviews, expert interviews, desktop research etc.).


Developed a point of view (regarding your users, solution, prototype, business model, etc.), got a testing plan and want to put it to a test?

We could help you:

  • ✍️ Prepare your tests— interviews scripts, user sourcing etc.

  • 🧪 Conduct the tests— user interviews, expert interviews, desktop research etc.

  • 🔍 Engage in additional discovery.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 🔁 Iterate your point of view based on what we have learnt.

  • ☠️ Help you make go/no go decisions.


deep work

(if you want to go much deeper)


1— Simplify

Have a great product or service but feel that it could be simplified. We have got a great 3 step process.

We could help you:

  • 🗺️ Map out the current state (user & product).

  • 🗑️ Take things out (unnecessary features/designs/flows).

  • 🧩 Re-arrange your UX accordingly.

You would end up with a simpler version of your current product.

2— improve

Got a great product or service but want to step it up a bit? Want to improve the look, feel and overall expereince, but without exploring large scale innovation? We have got a great 3 step process

We could help you:

  • 🎨 Improve your UI.

  • ✨ Add some simple features.

  • 🧶 Improve the UX, IxD and CX around it all.

  • 🟦 Help you form a better design system.

You will end up with a more refined and polished version of your current product.

3— innovate

Want to push the boundaries of your product or service and explore some new features, business models, designs etc?

Whether you already have some ideas that you’d like to explore or open to new ones from our team.

We could help you:

  • 🌟 Bring some of these points of view to life.

  • ✔️ Break your point of view into assumptions.

  • 🧪 Test them— user interviews, expert interviews, desktop research etc.

  • 🔍 Engage in additional discovery.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 🔁 Iterate our point of view based on what we have learnt.

  • ☠️ Help you make go/no go decisions.


Current & future states

(where we are, where we are going)


1— CURRENT STATE mapping

There is immense value in mapping map out and articulating a product’s current state. We can help you form a clear source of truth for your team yo align on and build upon.

We could help you:

  • 🚩 Position the product on the design & innovation journey.

  • 🧑 Clearly articulate your current users— users, personas, needs, pains.

  • 🌟 Map out your current product — forms, value propositions, features etc.

  • 💰 Map out your product’s viability— business model, market size etc.


Want some help thinking about the future of your product and how to get there?

We could help you:

  • 🏁 Define a future state you’d like to strive towards— users, product propositions, design and user experience, business model, usage etc.

  • 🛣️ Develop a clear roadmap to get there— what to do, what sequence to follow and when.