Large organisations

As a large organisation you have got a little empire built around you. You have multiple products, services and teams working together as a well-oiled machine. It may seem to have everything you need, only that if you have arrived at this page, it is likely that you are looking for something new.

Sooner or later, most businesses are looking to diversify and try bring something new to market. And while that something new could come from many avenues, such as investing and acquisitions, it could also come from inside. Some call it corporate venturing, some call it internal innovation, whatever your choice of word is, it is simply the process of incubating new concepts.

If you have an internal innovation team, well that is usually their mandate and we wouldn’t want to encroach on their space. But if you do not, then we could certainly help. Consider us as your external partner for product and innovation work.


Pebble is a strategic design, product and venture studio. Our mission is to help teams make great things.

how we could help



  • Our studio is where we get to work with teams hands-on, trying to make great products, services and ventures together.

  • Our work at the studio is split between exploring and testing new products & improving and innovating on existing ones.

  • Through our studio our team of expert designers, researchers and makers could augment your team if and when needed.

  • Consider us as your collaborator in making great things. Simply switch us on and off when required.


  • The Stream is the part of our business where we develop frameworks and methodologies to support teams in making great products, services and ventures.

  • After years of creating frameworks and methodologies for our own internal use, we have begun to share our design, research and innovation approach with the public as a collection of short playbooks.

  • You can read and learn from them for free, come to our open studio learning sessions and even get your own copy of all of our work.



Get in touch

Saw something you like, have an idea for something we could work on together, or just have an inkling that we should chat?
Holler at us at or via the form below.