OPEN STUDIO Learning sessions


Our open studio learning sessions are a bi-weekly initiative where we open our studio and run learning sessions on our design, research and innovation framework.

Join us every second Friday at 3pm for a walkthrough of our approach and some various tangents along the way.


Sign-up below and we will send through the information about our next session.

some more context

Pebble design

Pebble Design is a strategic design, product and venture studio based in Sydney. Our mission is to help teams make great products, services and ventures.

Sharing our approach

After years of working in the space, our team believes that we have a thing or two to contribute to the field of design-led innovation in general and strategic design in particular.

We are currently on a journey of publishing, sharing and teaching our approach around all things product, design, research and innovation. Our hope is to help others who are trying to make great things.

Who is this for?

Whoever it is you are — a strategic designer, venture designer, service designer, product manager, product designer, user researcher and so on.

Whatever your level is — senior and well-entrenched in the space or new to it.

Whatever it is you are working on — a product, a service, a venture.

And whatever stage it is in— brand new, well established or somewhere in between.

We think you may find some value in what have to share.