🚀 exploring new CONCEPTS

Whether it is a Product, a Service, a Venture, all the above, or somewhere in between, we are here to assist you on your journey.

Our team can guide you end-to-end, from a rough concept to a product in market or help you with a particular phase of your work.

Forming a point of view


1— Desirability
(Flesh-out your concept)

Have a concept that you’d like to start fleshing-out?

We could help you:

  • 🧑 Map-out your users — who they are, their various needs and where current solutions fall short.

  • ✨ Value proposition design — craft the proposition that we will provide the users at hand.

  • 🟦 Features — go beyond the proposition and bring it to life through a collection of features.

  • 📦 Form — define the form that the product will take. Is it going to be physical or digital, an app or a website etc.

  • 🛣️ Split the concept between an initial state (mvp) and future state (a long term product vision to strive towards).

2— Desirability
(prototype your concept)

Want to bring your fleshed-out concept to life and make it more tangible?

We could help you:

  • 🔲 Bring the concept to life through initial wireframes and screens.

  • 📱 Take the fidelity up a notch and create a series of clickable prototypes.

  • 📲 Create an advanced prototype that looks and feels like the real thing— beautiful, clickable and including most of the screens and flows.

3— viability & Feasibility

Ready to delve into the viability and feasibility behind the product?

We could help you:

  • ✍️ Design the business model— define which user would be paying, what business model, how much.

  • 🐘 Market sizing— define the size of the market, both bottom up and top down.

  • 💰 Opportunity sizing— combine between the business model and the market size to define the size of the opportunity behind the product.

  • ⌨️ Tech feasibility — work out the tech feasibility of bringing your concept to life.

  • ⚖️ Legal feasibility — work out the legal feasibility of bringing your concept to life.

  • ⚙️ Operational feasibility — work out the operational feasibility of bringing your concept to life.


Testing our
point of view


1— Testing plan

Developed a point of view (regarding your users, solution, prototype, business model, etc.) and want to put it to a test?

We could help you:

  • ✔️ Break your point of view into assumptions.

  • ☑️ Identify the key assumptions worth testing— most impactful & uncertain.

  • 🗓️ Develop a testing plan for these— how to test these assumptions and with whom (user interviews, expert interviews, desktop research etc.).

2— Testing & discovery

Developed a point of view (regarding your users, solution, prototype, business model, etc.), got a testing plan and want to put it to a test?

We could help you:

  • ✍️ Prepare your tests— interviews scripts, user sourcing etc.

  • 🧪 Conduct the tests— user interviews, expert interviews, desktop research etc.

  • 🔍 Engage in additional discovery.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 🔁 Iterate your point of view based on what we have learnt.

  • ☠️ Help you make go/no go decisions.

3— usability testing

Got an advanced prototype and want to test its usability before you start building?

We could help you:

  • 🗓️ Plan your tests— identify the assumptions, use cases and user flows to test.

  • ✍️ Prepare your tests— create your testing artefacts, interview scripts and source the users.

  • 🧪 Conduct the tests— usability testing in a controlled environment.

  • 🔍 Engage in additional discovery.

  • 🔴 Synthesise our learnings.

  • 🔁 Iterate your point of view based on what we have learnt.


building it


1— BUILD prep

Happy with your prototype and ready to move on to the build phase?

We could help you

  • 📱 Prepare the prototype for developers.

  • ✍️ Fill in any gaps— screens, flows etc.

  • 🧹 Clean up and organise all the design components.

  • 🗒️ Add clear instructions and descriptions regarding flows and interactions.

  • 🟧 Organise everything into clear and simple tickets.

  • 🍽️ Hand it over to your development team on a silver platter, ready to be built.

2— BUILD support

Got your development talent ready but need some additional support?

We could help you:

  • 🦮 Product manage the whole process.

  • 🤝 Provide design support throughout.

  • ✈️ Help you think about your upcoming pilot.