Who are you? 🧑

After working in the space for some time, a few common users have emerged.

We have identified these below and tried to craft unique value propositions for each. Have a look and see if you can find yourself on the page.


Large corporates or organisations

As a large organisation, you have got a little empire around you. You have multiple products, services and teams working together as a well-oiled machine. It may seem that you have got everything you need, only that if you have arrived at this page, it is likely that you are looking for something new.

Sooner or later, most businesses are looking to diversify and try bring something new to market. And while that something new could come from many avenues, such as investing and acquisitions, it could also come from inside. Some call it corporate venturing, some call it internal innovation, whatever your choice of word is, it is simply the process of incubating new concepts (for products, services or ventures) internally.

If you have an internal innovation team that is usually their mandate and we wouldn’t want to encroach on their space. But if you do not, then we could help. Consider us as your external product and innovation team.

Internal-innovation teams

You may call yourself a lab, a studio, or somethingX, whichever is the exact title, if you are working on exploring concepts for new products, services or ventures within a the context of a large company then you are an— internal innovation team.

As an internal innovation team, you are tasked with the exciting objective of exploring and testing new ideas and while you are probably more or less self-sufficient, it is likely that you may need some help every once in a while.

It doesn’t matter if you are a just starting-up or been around for a long time, it is simply the nature of the game.

Luckily though, that’s where Pebble could help.

product teams

As an established product team you already have a product in market and a team to run it.

Yet, every once in a while a need may appear that your team simply does not have the capacity for. It may be the need for some user research, the need to flesh-out and test a new concept, the need for some quick prototyping and the list goes on.

It doesn’t matter if you are a start-up, a scale-up, a full fledged company, or somewhere in between, it is simply the nature of the game. Luckily though, that’s where Pebble could help.

Our team of expert designers, researchers, innovators and builders could augment your team when needed.

Consider us as your collaborator in making great things.




If you have a high-level concept in mind but it’s not yet fleshed out, you don’t yet have a working product or a team and the whole thing is currently in side-project territory, then you are most likely at the — pre-startup phase.

You are at an exciting place, and we could probably help. Firstly, we have a collection of playbooks that could help you navigate the space and think through your concept.

Secondly, we have a team of expert designers, researchers, innovators and builders who could guide you through the processes, support you along the way, or even shepherd you end-to-end.


If you have a product in market, a team behind it and your full attention dedicated to it and yet, it’s still early days, then you are likely at the — startup phase.

Things are going well, but not yet super well. Everything is still in flux and you are not yet sure if you have nailed the user, need, proposition, product, business model and so on. You still have a lot to do, a lot to learn and a lot of chances to make it or break it.

You are probably doing well on your own, and yet, we could probably help you do even better.


As an investor, big or small, you are likely to have a portfolio of investments. Each investment represent a team and a product/service that you have decided to put your faith in.

By nature, some of those investments will do better than others and the more that do better, the better things are for you.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone out there who could augment the teams you have invested in, help them improve their products and increase the overall chance of success across your portfolio in the process?

Luckily, you have got Pebble.




Are you an independent agency, consultancy or studio working on products, services and ventures? We might be able to help each other.

You may be working up/down-stream from our kind of work but every once in a while have a need for someone you can engage, refer to or partner with regard to what we do.

You might be working in the exact same space as us but every once in a while are in need of some extra capacity.

Whether you are big or small, up/down-stream from us or working in the exact same space, we could work together.

Let’s put egos aside and just make great things.

Incubators & accelerators

As an incubator or accelerator, you have got many teams under your wing and your role is to increase their chance of doing great.

To achieve that, you likely already have many tools in your tool box and its probably going pretty well.

If you want to do even better, our playbooks and templates and our team of expert designers and researchers could become a some of your new favourite tools.

Co-working spaces

As a co-working space you are providing the roof for many teams to build their first home under, you are cultivating a community for them to flourish in and wherever you can, you are trying to give them things that will help them on their way.

You are probably already doing great, but there is always more that can be done.

Our playbooks and templates and our team of expert designers and researchers could be some of your new favourite ways to support your teams.



Universities & educators

As a university or as a specific educator, you are trying to up-skill students, expand their understanding of the design and innovation space and help them become tomorrow’s makers, maybe even today’s

We want to help you on this journey. Education is in our nature and we are constantly striving towards building and expanding people’s understanding of the space.

From playbooks, processes and templates to facilitation and hands on work, we are passionate about education and want to help as many people learn and grow.

Perhaps we could be of some help.



Whether you found yourself within the page or not quite, the next step is to get in touch.

Holler at us at — hello@pebbledesign.co or at the form below and we’ll make something happen.