Working with us 🤝

Working together is a simple equation, made up of the following components: the work to be done, team set-up, time to be spent and the way we cost it.

Let’s walk through it, shall we?

1— work to be done


In order to work together, we should first establish what it is we want to work on.

Our work at Pebble mostly falls into two main categories:



Where we help teams research, explore, design, test and build new products, services and ventures.


Where we help teams research, simplify, improve and innovate on existing products, services & ventures.


2— Team set-up


Once we know the work to be done we can start discussing the team.

This part is important as different team set-ups would require different time commitment from our end.

Below are a few common way we work on projects.


🏎️ independent work

We spearhead the work independently, coming to you for input when needed.

🧩 Augmenting your team

We augment your team, ready to be switched on and off as needed.

🧭 Run by you, guided by us

Your team does the work and we guide you along the journey.


3— time to be spent

Once we know the work to be done and the team doing it we can start talking about time.

The following mental model provides a good framework to think about.


(1-2 days)

Short sessions tackling whatever it is you are after.

design sprints
(1-2 weeks)

Longer, yet relatively short bursts of time where we could start getting into some depth.

design dives
(3+ weeks)

Proper time to delve into the work and start making an impact.

Design epics
(3+ months)

Long periods of time allowing us to make significant impact and move things along the design journey.


4— costs


We strive to make our costs as simple and transparent as possible.
Our costs is a simple equation: Cost =‘scope’ x ‘rates’.

Steps 1-4 gives us the scope (i.e. the time estimate). We then times this by our rates and voilà—we have a final cost.

Working with us, you always know exactly how the price is put together. Furthermore, we can always go back and adapt the scope as we wish, crafting it to your needs and budget constraints.


⏳ 1-hour ($225)

An hour of our time, working through whatever it is we need to work through.

🗓️ 1-day ($1750)

A day of our time, working through whatever it is we need to work through.


4— discounts

We have worked in this space for long enough to know that things can get expensive.

We therefore strive to make things as affordable as possible. To that end we have put a few things in place.


🗓️ upfront discounts

Our base approach is the usual agency model: 50% upfront and 50% after the completion of the project.

But if you want to make it even more affordable, paying everything upfront will get you a 10% discount.

Good for you, good for us.

🧱time blocks

Another way to work with us is through pre-purchased time blocks. These blocks are purchased online and can be activated whenever the need arise.

Similar to upfront costs, time blocks gives you at a 10% discount. They also have the added benefit of:

  • Allowing for a faster start (no need to wait for approvals etc.).

  • A handy way to spend any excess budget you may have.

💁🏽 equity & cash

Finally, we have began to experiment with allowing companies to pay with a combination of equity and cash.

Taking equity on means we are willing to take some risk with you. It makes it more affordable for some teams and a bit more exciting for us.

Depending on the project we would be willing to accept up to 75% of our service fees in equity.


get in touch


Saw something you like, have an idea for something we could work on together, or just have an inkling that we should chat?Holler at us at or via the form below.